Smolov Jr. - Week 1

Week 1 of the Smolov Jr. program is completed.
Below a small recap of the work-outs and routines:

A tough WOD, that seemed less worse than it turned out:
AMRAP of 20 mins
50 wall balls
40 KB swings
30 Down up
20 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders

Back Squat
Started with that first, since I believe you should always train the bigger muscles before the smaller ones.
Did a session of 6x6 at 42,5kg. Between each set a 2 min. rest. Was sore from Monday's WOD.
This was doable, made sure I warmed up properly by doing some lighter sets first.
Bench Press
Right after the back squat I went on to bench presses. Same routine, 6 x 6 at 30kg.
Felt that it was not as hard (yet) so only rested about 1 min. between sets.

Did some accessory work afterwards; pull-ups and ring dips. Noticed that I was more fatigued than usual, so was not able to do that many reps.
Practiced some snatch pulls last.

Back Squat
Brought a weight belt this time, to see if this is something I can work with, and it went very well. As you might know already, the belt allows you to expand you abdomen and create extra pressure when coming out of the squat. The session was 7 x 5 @ 45kg.
Bench Press
Same type of session, 7 x 5 @ 32,5kg. Went nice and smooth, again with about 1 min. rest between sets.

Did some power cleans and hang cleans and the usual accessory work.

Back Squat
Was worried this might be harder because of the shorter recovery time, a session of 8 x 4 @47,5kg.
Mentally it's harder because of the heavier weight, and it's quite tough, especially at the last rep.
Bench Press
Still going fairly easy, so no complaints there.

Afterwards only a 5 x 5 push press/push jerk session.

Unfortunately my training program got cut short, after I broke my right collarbone on Saturday.

Favorite supplement this week: Syntha-6 Chocolate Peanut Butter 2.91 Lbs - $27.99

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