In our previous post we wrote about some of the handy tools out there to log your WOD results, this time we'd like to give you a little summary of crossfit websites we visit frequently.
Especially in the last year, a sh**ton of websites have popped up (like this one) so there is a LOT to read, talk, discuss and research about crossfit.
Again these are a few websites we like, but if you have suggestions, let us know. Don't get pissy if your favorites aren't on the list, sharing is caring, right?
In a way, we feel like we have to mention it, since it's "the main site", the layout is awful, (90's, anyone?) but it has a mega-load of information for any crossfitter, beginner or advanced.
You can read about the WOD's, technique, find out about the courses, affiliates, and so on. Also, check their YouTube channel.
So, there it is, we've done our duty.
Crossfit Football
A lot of crossfitters use this site for the WOD's, they have an off- & on-season programming, but you don't have to be a football player to follow it.
Many that follow the programming, claim they have gained a lot of strength and increased their weightlifting PR's. Read the FAQ before you start.
Gymnastics WOD
A great site to learn skills like handstands, muscle-ups, rope climbs, ring work, basically any type of gymnastic stuff is featured on the site.
You can choose between 4 different types of WOD's: flexibility, strength, met-con or skill.
The progression videos are awesome, Carl Paoli does a great job in explaining everything step by step. It makes us want to do stuff like this. And this. One day.
Because we like Reddit.
If you're ever looking for some WOD inspiration, then use "tha WOD generator" (imagine thick Austrian accent) It sorts WOD's by category, just click and it gives you tonnes of ideas plus you can add your own as well.
Mobility WOD
If your joint mobility is crap, or you just need some tips on how to improve your squat, then this is a good resource. Mobility is important, it prevents injuries and will help you with your WOD's. Or at least will help you get out of bed the next morning.
NorCal CrossFit
Mostly because of Jason Khalipa, and we think he's just a really cool dude, who is very good at explaining stuff & tutorials, like this one. Plus, almost none of his tutorials start smoothly, which we think is funny and even more cool. Pretty sure that the meat & potatoes of a muscle-up is NOT Paleo either ;-)
That's our list, feel free to drop your favorites in the comments!
Don't forget about Outlaw Crossfit. More specifically, The Outlaw Way!
Will check that out for sure!!