Protein Peanut Butter Fudge

These small fudge bites are perfect to satisfy a sweet tooth, are low in sugar and even have a small amount of protein.

The fudges in the picture weigh 10 grams each, you can use any type of mold, but an example of a silicon mold is this.


100 grams of coconut oil (melted)
4 grams of cocoa powder
40 ml of maple syrup
70 grams peanut butter
80 grams Syntha-6 Chocolate-Peanut butter protein powder

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and pour into the molds. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Broken collarbone, week 3

Third week of recovery, and things are going very well. However, this is the tricky bit. Since it's less painful and easier to move, you tend to think that you can use it more again, but be aware that the bone is still healing and can't withstand heavy loads and extreme movements. This is very important in the first 4-5 weeks.

Keep it moving though, but as soon as pain comes into play, this should be your cue to stop.


For supplementation, this will be the last week that I'll use the comfrey ointment. Same goes for the hyaluronic acid, although I do plan to use this again in the future. Unfortunately, I ran out of cissus q a bit too early, but I have new supply on it's way.
The protein supplementation will go on as well, and I've added 1200 mg of calcium a day.

This will start on December 30, and the amount of treatments could possibly be up to 20. An estimate at the moment is that it will probably take about 3 months to get back to crossfit again. This is considering the heavy stress the shoulder will be under with for example push press, thrusters, etc.
Since the bone is now healing in a different angle, I basically need to learn how to use my shoulder all over again. The difference in angle is very visible (see pic below, although it doesn't look as bad in the picture)
The circle indicates the location of the fracture.


This was another week of leg work, but I was able to add in some arms as well.

Workout 1:
Leg Extensions 5 x12
Leg Press 4 x 12
Leg Curls 4 x 12
TRX Lunges 3 x 15

Triceps Extensions (cable) 3 x 12
Bicep Curls 3 x 10

Workout 2:
250 Squats for time
Leg Extensions 3 x 12

One arm KB Swings: 4 x 12 (with left arm of course)
One legged Good Mornings with KB: 3 x 10 (each leg)
6 x 30 sec Hollow Holds
Triceps Extensions (cable) 3 x 12

Workout 3:

Smith machine Squats 4 x 10
Leg Extensions 3 x 12 & 2 x 10
Leg Curl 2 x 12 & 1 x 10
Good Mornings (with barbell) 3 x 10
Walking Lunges 50 x
Step-ups 50 total

Triceps Extensions 3 x 12
Bicep Curls 3 x 10
7 x 30 sec Hollow Holds

Posts of week 1 & week 2.

Progress post on weeks 4-6.

Training with a broken collarbone

This is currently week 2 into my broken collarbone recovery, and even though I did a little bit of exercise last week already, this week it felt a little bit more safe to do some more work.
After a check-up at the end of last week, my doctor told me that the bone usually starts to grow again in the 2nd week, so it's advised to NOT do anything too strenuous just yet. Learn to accept that this is just how it is, and taking a rest is not going to kill you.

What I noticed, is that even if you're using one side of your shoulders, when you tense up to pull, pick something up, etc., it does effect the injured side as well. Everything is connected, so take it easy. Especially in the first 4 weeks, you are not allowed to raise your arm above 70 degrees.

The exercises you can do, are basically just legs and core. After looking around a bit online, I found a few things to do that can help keep you in shape, and also get your heart rate up.

Legs - Bodyweight

Bulgarian squats
These are very good in the beginning, because you can keep your arm in the sling more comfortably.
Make sure you have something near you to stabilize yourself.
Wall sits
Keep these going as long as possible, it will guaranteed burn your quads.
(Walking) Lunges
You can do them in both variations, the walking lunge is a bit more comfortable if you're able to go without the sling.
Air squats
I found them the best to do with the injured arm hanging down my side, and my good arm up for some balance. (squat holds are great too)
(Half) Pistols
Unfortunately I can't do full pistols yet, but half-pistols work really well, just careful with putting tension on the injured shoulder when you go forward.

Legs - In the gym

Leg press
Perfect for building strength, since it simulates a squat.
Leg Extensions
This is nice for building muscle endurance, when you go for high reps.


Hollow Holds
If you have a good crossfit coach, you were doing these already anyway, so this is a perfect opportunity to get REALLY good at them. Instead of reaching your arms out, keep them next to you.
Great for getting a stronger back and glutes. Also keep you arms along your torso.

For cardio, you could ride the stationary bike or even use the stair master. If you do 250 air squats for time, you can count on breaking a sweat and getting your heart rate up as well.

4 Work-out examples

100 Bulgarian squats (50L/50R)
5 x 30 sec Hollow hold
100 Walking lunges
250 Air Squats
6 x 30 sec Hollow hold
4 x 12 Leg Press
4 x 12 Leg Extension
5 x 30 sec Hollow holds
5 x 30 sec Supermans
3 rounds:
10 pistols each leg
1 min Hollow hold
50 squats


Before you start all this, check with your doctor or physiotherapist. If you put too much strain on your injury too soon, this might end up worse, so be smart!
Tip: kinesio tape on the bent elbow and on the injured shoulder works wonders for the bloodflow and stiffness.

For more info on recovery, like doing the pendulum exercise, check here.
For my nutrition plan to help speed recovery, go here, and for week 3, go here.

We are powdered by HYLETE!

Let's talk about a company called Hylete.

We absolutely love their stuff, and recently tried a pair of their shorts ourselves, 
the cross-training short 1.0

These shorts are made of 90% polyester & 10% spandex, which makes it the perfect combination of a quick drying, yet stretchy fabric.

What we liked:

- Sizing: Hylete offers a wide variety of sizes, all the way down to XS.
- Fit: The size is very accurate and the fit is extremely comfortable.
- Stretch: The fabric offers a good stretch, perfect for squats and other more extreme movements.
- Quality: The fabric feels like a high quality fabric, it's heavier and more durable. The shorts will last you a long time. Hylete even offers a 2 year guarantee. Reebok, learn from this.
- Splits: There are side-splits that give you even more freedom to move around.
- Pricing: This is high quality apparel for a decent price, and you get 25% off with code BC25.

What we didn't like:

- Velcro: Both the shorts themselves as the pockets have velcro. The velcro makes it bulky and the drawstrings get stuck in it. We don't like velcro.
- Pockets: The shorts have 3 (!) pockets in total, of which 2 have flaps. Pockets are, in our opinion, useless.
- Fabric: Even though we like the fabric, it's a lot thicker than some other shorts. Just be aware of that, especially if you're used to the Crossfit Core Short for example.

These are personal like and dislikes, and to conclude, we really like the stuff Hylete makes.
Bruises & Calluses is excited to announce that we are now Powered by HYLETE

Each of you will now receive 20% off for life at Go to to activate your 20% off account. 

Use promo code BC25 for an additional 25% off your first order. 

Protein Pancakes

These pancakes are super fluffy and packed with protein, to start your day off well! On top of that, they are gluten free, low carb and high in fiber.


5 eggs
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 scoops of whey protein (50 grams)
1 tsp baking powder
1,5 cup of water

Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl, the batter is a bit thick. Next, heat some coconut oil in a pan and scoop the batter in. Cook on both sides until brown.
Serve with Greek yogurt, berries, peanut butter, etc.

Makes about 6 pancakes, for nutritional info, click here.

Broken collarbone, week 1

You know that song, by Mister Mister? Well, it's been playing in my head now for a few days. Luckily
(under the circumstances) I just have 1 broken wing, but let me tell you, it's not fun.

Last week I was fully into the first week of the Smolov Jr. program, this week my physical activity has dropped to a complete minimum. What happened?
Well, during a fundraising WOD, the warm-up included some handstand walk practice, and I somehow considered myself being an expert.

Lesson learned: take things slow, practice and ask for help. Don't think you're invincible, because it will bite you in the a$$.
Long story short: I lost my balance, fell on my face, went to the hospital and my right clavicle was broken.

If you're an active, passionate crossfitter, training 5+ days a week, you can understand that this was NOT a pleasant moment.
Your freedom of movement gets reduced to a bare minimum, and there is nothing else to do but rest and take it easy.
But since I'm a person that thinks in solutions and loves problem solving, I saw this as a challenge; what can I do to recover as fast and good as possible? What are the do's and don'ts in bone healing?

What not to do (some examples)
1) Alcohol
Alcohol consumption can reduce your body's ability to form osteoblasts and it hinders the trigger for bone formation.

2) Smoking
Smoking obstructs the bloodflow, something your body needs desperately to create new bone mass.

3) Caffeine
Caffeine causes your body to extract more calcium through your urine, and you need this calcium badly.

Although I will miss my coffee in the morning, these things don't worry me too much at all.

What can you do?
Besides stating the obvious (rest, proper diet, etc.) I wanted to explore a few specific things I came across, that hopefully will help speed up the healing process as well.

1) Cissus Quadrangularis
This is an awesome herb, that has helped me a lot already with my joint pain, but it also helps really well with healing fractures. Dosage: 3x daily at 1600mg .

2) Comfrey
Also known as symphytum officinale, this herb is known for it's healing properties. It's applied for bruises, joint inflammation, arthritis & fractures.
In my case, I got an ointment sent in, that I will apply multiple times a day on the collarbone.

3) Protein (Whey & Casein)
Protein helps to build, period. Half of your bones are made of protein, so eating enough protein is very important. I will make sure I get enough protein each day, preferably 100+ grams.
There are studies that have shown that protein intake promotes bone repair.

4) Hyaluronic Acid
This is found everywhere in your body, mostly in the connective tissue. The highest concentrations of HA are found in the eyes and joints.
Studies have shown that HA plays a big role in the regeneration of bone mass.
Dosage: 3x daily at 200mg.

Please note: I will consult my physician during my recovery time, have regular check-ups scheduled and will consult a physiotherapist as well as soon as this is allowed. For advice on medical issues, or using any products discussed on this website you should always consult your medical practitioner. 

Smolov Jr. - Week 1

Week 1 of the Smolov Jr. program is completed.
Below a small recap of the work-outs and routines:

A tough WOD, that seemed less worse than it turned out:
AMRAP of 20 mins
50 wall balls
40 KB swings
30 Down up
20 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders

Back Squat
Started with that first, since I believe you should always train the bigger muscles before the smaller ones.
Did a session of 6x6 at 42,5kg. Between each set a 2 min. rest. Was sore from Monday's WOD.
This was doable, made sure I warmed up properly by doing some lighter sets first.
Bench Press
Right after the back squat I went on to bench presses. Same routine, 6 x 6 at 30kg.
Felt that it was not as hard (yet) so only rested about 1 min. between sets.

Did some accessory work afterwards; pull-ups and ring dips. Noticed that I was more fatigued than usual, so was not able to do that many reps.
Practiced some snatch pulls last.

Back Squat
Brought a weight belt this time, to see if this is something I can work with, and it went very well. As you might know already, the belt allows you to expand you abdomen and create extra pressure when coming out of the squat. The session was 7 x 5 @ 45kg.
Bench Press
Same type of session, 7 x 5 @ 32,5kg. Went nice and smooth, again with about 1 min. rest between sets.

Did some power cleans and hang cleans and the usual accessory work.

Back Squat
Was worried this might be harder because of the shorter recovery time, a session of 8 x 4 @47,5kg.
Mentally it's harder because of the heavier weight, and it's quite tough, especially at the last rep.
Bench Press
Still going fairly easy, so no complaints there.

Afterwards only a 5 x 5 push press/push jerk session.

Unfortunately my training program got cut short, after I broke my right collarbone on Saturday.

Favorite supplement this week: Syntha-6 Chocolate Peanut Butter 2.91 Lbs - $27.99

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